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UI/UX Case Study | DesignNxt Quiz Website for a Design Bootcamp

Writer: Charu ChaturvediCharu Chaturvedi

DesignNxt is a website that allows students to take quizzes and view details of other bootcamps conducted by a hypthetical design school, DesignNxt.


Problem Statement

The lack of a structured quiz system created many problems like creating multiple google forms, losing student data, etc. for DesignNxt (hypothetical) and their bootcamp students.

My Goal

My goal here was to create a solution that could allow students to have a platform for taking all their quizzes while they were learning with DesignNxt.

My Role

This is a Personal Project that I worked on as a part of my Google UX Design Specialization.

I worked as a UX Researcher and UI/UX Designer, responsible for research, analysis, wireframing and prototyping.

Tools Used

Adobe XD and Illustrator

My Design Process

Understanding The Users

I talked to 3 students and 2 mentors at a bootcamp platform based in India to truly understand their requirements and create a smoother experience for students learning at the bootcamp.

My Research identified the following pain points:

  • Handling Resources: The mentors faced difficulty in handling multiple google forms for multiple tests and students.

  • Forgetfulness of Students: It lead to missed attendance, in turn, losing marks

  • No Performance Tracking: Inability of students to track their performance in quizzes.

Target Audience

My target audience for this app includes students aged 15 to 35, seeking DesignNxt's bootcamps as well as mentors of the DesignNxt School


User Journey Map

Creating the Solution

Keeping in mind, the problems that users felt, I started working on a solution that was both easy-to-use and quick.

Here are the features that I incorporated in my app to solve the user problems:

  1. Added visual elements like symbols, pictures and color contrasts for users to understand how they can move forward.

  2. Added “Remember me” feature, etc. to make the app usage easy for regular users.



Usability Testing for Lo-fi Prototype

  • Users wished to have a home screen that showed them their upcoming session details instead of having to find them through the menu

  • Users wish to be able to sign in with a forgotten password

  • Users wish to track their scores easily

Mockups with incorporated solutions

High-Fidelity Prototype

Next Steps

  • In the future, I plan to add a feature wherein the students can view recorded lectures incase they miss a live session.

  • I am also planning to add a “My Certificates” corner where students can view all their accomplishments and also share them on social media.

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! 🥰



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